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Telecommunications: Radio - TV - GSM/GPRS/UMTS
Territory control and Monitoring

RADIO, TV and GSM telecommunication systems need stations, cells and radio links, which are usually situated in rural areas, not connected to the public electric grid. Photovoltaic and hybrid systems are preferred compared to the traditional generating set,

which always represents an uncertainty because of maintenance and the continue fuel supply, especially in winter on the mountains.
The continue development of new technologies and devices in the telecommunications field has helped in decreasing the electrical consumptions and in increasing the performances related to the covering area. This has allowed to control the plant’s costs and to develop small hybrid systems.
Moreover, all this has been inherited by the TERRITORY CONTROL AND MONITORING sector.

ENERECO SOLUZIONI srl, thanks to its experience, can realise a series of KITS according to the customer’s demand. The systems developed and installed by ENERECO SOLUZIONI srl both in Europe and in developing countries can supply:
- FM Radio stations, networks and repeaters
- TV stations, networks and repeaters
- Telephone central, microwaves transfer links
- GSM/GPRS/UMTS networks and cells
- Data acquisition and telemetry plants
- Territory control systems (water and air quality, rivers level, woody fires, ext.)

RTV-CEL and PV-DATA systems developed by ENERECO SOLUZIONI srl are dimensioned from time to time according to the customer’s demands and to the characteristics of the installation sites. They can be photovoltaic, wind or hybrid, adding a back-up system which avoids possible black-out situations.
In the turn key installations, all the necessary devices can be also supplied: radios, antennas and all the equipment for the complete plant.


Solar Thermal
Biomass and Biogas
Energy Solution:
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