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Home > News > Worldwide wind energy boom in 2005: 58.982 MW capacity installed Send

30-03-2006 ALL NEWS
Worldwide wind energy boom in 2005: 58.982 MW capacity installed
The year 2005 was another record year for the worldwide wind energy utilisation. The wind energy boom includes more and more countries, with 58.982 MW installed worldwide on 31 December 2005, The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) reports in a press release. Worldwide 11.310 MW were added in 2005 – after 8,3 GW of additional capacity in the year 2004, and 8,1 GW in 2003. The global rate of growth increased to 24 % in the past year 2005, after 21 % in the year 2004. With this dynamic increase continuing, WWEA expects 120.000 MW to be installed worldwide in the year 2010. Today, wind energy delivers worldwide around 1 % of the global electricity generation, with some countries and regions reaching 20 % and more.