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06-07-2006 ALL NEWS
Morocco to increase renewable energy use by 10%
Morocco intends to increase the use of renewable energies by 10% by 2012 so as to meet its energy needs, said Monday in Rabat the Moroccan Minister of Energy and Mining, Mohammed Boutaleb.
At the opening of an international conference on “Renewable Energies and the Treatment of Industrial Water”, organised by the Moroccan-German Association in collaboration with the German foundation, Konrad Adenauer, Boutaleb underscored that the actions scheduled for the 2006-2012 period mainly concern two wind parks under construction in Essaouira and Tangiers, with a total capacity of 200 MW, and another in Taza of 100 MW, currently under study. The Moroccan official also pointed out the project of the thermo-solar power station in Ain Beni Mathar (Eastern Morocco), with a capacity of 230 MW, operating with natural gas and solar energy. He also recalled the programme for the introduction of large-scale solar water-heaters, currently underway. “This programme will allow the mobilisation, in the long run, of a potential estimated at more than 400,000 cubic meters of solar collectors,” underlined the minister. He added that “these projects are part of the development strategy of the Moroccan energy sector. This aims at providing energy at the best cost, as well as generalising access to it.” Boutaleb also stressed that the organisation of this conference indicates general awareness of the need to develop clean energies, ensure a rational management of water and implement concerted strategies to achieve sustainable development. For his part, the German Ambassador to Rabat, Gottfried Haas, said that “the programmes Morocco is carrying out in the sectors of renewable energies and industrial water treatment show the importance the Kingdom is giving to the development of this sector.” Haas added that the German Government “is doing its best to encourage the private sector in Germany to invest in Moroccan renewable energies and water purification.” The president of the Moroccan-German Association, Mohamed Ben Moussa, underlined that the aim of this conference is to offer Moroccan and German experts an opportunity to exchange their experiences vis-à-vis renewable energies and industrial water treatment. It was also intended to “better evaluate, promote and foster cooperation and scientific and technical exchanges between the two countries.” The programme of this 2-day conference included presentations and talks on energy-related issues, such as “The role of renewable energies in national energy strategies”.