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Home > News > Zambia urged to invest more in hydroelectric power Send

05-07-2006 ALL NEWS
Zambia urged to invest more in hydroelectric power
Zambia must look at investing in hydroelectric power as an alternative source of energy for industries and mining sectors, the Private Sector Development Association (PSDA) has said. PSDA chairperson Yusuf Dodia was quoted by Wednesday's Times of Zambia as saying that Zambia has a lot of water resources to enhance hydroelectric power use rather than depending on oil products. He said there is need to encourage Zambians to use electricity as a competitive advantage for economic growth. "We need to look at cheaper sources of energy such as hydroelectric power. All we can do is to explore this matter, then a lot of industries, mining and manufacturing sectors will benefit instead of depending on oil products," he said. He invited the investors who has experience from Asia and Europe to explore the sector. He said that China and India's railway system networks are electrified, adding that it is possible to adopt the technology in Zambia. On other alternative sources of energy the country could also invest in coal and solar energy to substitute some oil products,he said Zambia depends on imported oil products. Source: Xinhua