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Home > News > India - Solar-powered devices to be installed Send

26-06-2006 ALL NEWS
India - Solar-powered devices to be installed
Energy conservation measure
25 streetlights and 20 control systems to be erected
Attractive subsidy from Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency expected
TIRUNELVELI: As part of its efforts to reduce the ever-increasing electricity bill and popularise the use of solar-powered gadgets, the Tirunelveli Corporation, which has initiated steps to establish windmills with a capacity of 9 MW, has decided to install devices functioning with solar power in some places. The project, to be implemented at a cost of Rs. 68.60 lakh, would get subsidy from Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TNEDA). The corporation has decided to install 25 solar streetlights in various places - 11 in Thatchanallur Zone, 5 in Melapalayam Zone, 4 in Palayamkottai Zone and 5 in Tirunelveli Zone and each at a cost of Rs. 26,000. The project requires Rs. 6.50 lakh. Besides, 20 solar streetlight control systems, each at a cost of Rs. 25,000, five solar hoardings, each costing about Rs. 4.50 lakh having a minimum of 2 square metre area, would be put up. The corporation has decided to install five solar traffic signals, each at a cost of Rs. 6 lakh at as many places, and ten solar-powered blinkers, each costing about Rs. 30,000. Fifty solar road-studs, each costing Rs. 3,200, would be fixed at new bus-stand at Vaeinthankulam (30) and all four Car Streets around Swamy Nellaiyappar Temple. "Based on the success of the programme, it will be extended to other parts. Solar traffic signals, blinkers and road-studs will help motorists in a big way. It will ultimately reduce traffic congestion and accidents," Corporation Commissioner D. Chandrasekaran said. Since the Commissioner for Municipal Administration has authorised the installation of solar-powered gadgets and the TNEDA has come forward to give subsidy for the project, the corporation is expected to install these innovative equipment in the near future.