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04-01-2007 ALL NEWS
2007 is the time to switch onto renewable energy
With ever-increasing fuel bills and the threat to the environment by fossil fuels, why not make renewable energy your new year's resolution? This is the suggestion from the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment (DETI) and Action Renewables. Over 1300 people from across Northern Ireland have already been offered grant assistance, through the Household Programme, to install renewable energy systems in their homes. The Household Programme is an £ 8 million DETI initiative. It offers grants of up to 50% to private homeowners seeking to install domestic renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, small scale wind turbines, wood fuelled boilers and geothermal heat pumps. Andy McCrea, Director, Action Renewables believes everyone should consider making a new year's resolution to install at least one renewable energy system in their home in 2007. Mr McCrea said: "Many people in Northern Ireland are facing ever increasing fuel bills. That, coupled with the damage that we know fossil fuels are doing to the environment, has led over 3000 people to call The Household Programme on 0800 023 4077 to find out more about renewable energy systems for the home. "The programme makes renewable energy a cheaper, easier and more practical option for people to heat, light and power their homes," he continued. "Saving money, whilst improving our environment, is a perfect new year's resolution. I thoroughly recommend investigating how you can get a renewable energy system installed into your house right away." Jenny Pyper, Director of Energy Division, DETI said: "People are really catching on to the benefits of having renewable energy systems in their homes. "Since the Household Programme was launched by the Secretary of State, Peter Hain, MP, in July, DETI has committed over £3.3 million of grant aid, to allow over 1300 private homeowners to install a range of renewable energy systems. "The programme is one way for us to become less reliant on imported fuels, save money and reduce harmful emissions now and in the years ahead."