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Values and philosophy
ENERECO is convinced that any technological development has to be thought and carried out in harmony with man and the environment in which he lives.

The company premises themselves have been designed and realized at zero energy balance: a photovoltaic system installed on the façade and on the roof of the headquarters produces all the electrical energy consumed by the company for a total of about 53.000 KWh/year.
This means about 30 tons of CO2 per year avoided!!

Indeed, avoiding CO2 emissions is one of the main concepts of ENERECO mission, as shown by the counter inserted in the homepage.

Innovation and quality

Innovation and quality are 2 further important concepts of ENERECO mission.
Besides having a commercial role supplying components and complete systems, ENERECO srl has activated a Department called ATs (Advanced Technologies), where we design and develop innovative units and systems.
Through the programme “INNOVATIONS” ENERECO wants to increase the value of the mutual technological heritage and connect people in a network of knowledge to create new ideas, products, skills in the photovoltaic and renewable energies sector.

The quality of our service and of the products offered is a key concept of ENERECO mission.
In fact, Enereco is a company with UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certified quality system.

Enereco is a company with humanitarian aims

The long experience of ENERECO technical staff in Africa, Latin America, Indonesia, North Korea ext. for rural electrification projects shows the humanitarian spirit of the company.
During each business activity in developing countries, ENERECO looks for humanitarian projects to be developed and search for possible Italian and European sponsors for the necessary financing and realization.
Some of these projects are financed and carried out by ENERECO too.
Enereco in short
Values and philosophy
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