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17-01-2006 ALL NEWS
UK: Renewable energy under the spotlight
The key issue of renewable energy will be under the spotlight as experts and council officials gather for a seminar in Dereham tomorrow.
Breckland Council has joined forces with Renewables East, the regional agency responsible for advising on renewable energy, ESD, the consultants on regional renewable strategic issues and the University of East Anglia to host the half-day event. Speakers will include James Beal, managing director of Renewables East and Peter Lee, their planning adviser, Neil Evans of ESD and Dr Keith Tovey, reader in environmental sciences at the UEA who will talk about putting renewable energy in the context of other energy supply and well as the CRed initiative on carbon reduction. About 35 members and officers from councils all over the county are expected to attend. Breckland Council leader William Nunn said: “Breckland has always taken a ground-breaking approach to renewable energy as can be seen by the EcoTech wind turbine, the award-winning landscape assessment for our policy on wind turbines and indeed the policy itself which marked a robust new approach to a contentious issue. “The government has said that 20pc of all energy should come from renewable sources by 2020. That is a challenging target and how this is addressed through the emerging Local Development Frameworks will be of particular interest.” (IAN CLARKE)