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Agriculture, Breeding, Aquaculture

The systems using renewable energies can be successfully applied in the agriculture, breeding and aquaculture sector. In the wide agricultural areas of the European countries people often choose energy solutions using fossil sources (motor pumps for irrigation, diesel gensets, ext.), which are very dangerous for the environment and the quality of the agricultural products.

In particular, these solutions are very penalizing in those sites with high naturalistic value such as:
- mountain huts with production of dairy products and excellent meat;
- valleys and lagoons for fish-breeding;
- rural areas with particular agricultural interest.

The use of photovoltaic, wind and hybrid systems for:
- irrigation, pumping and water supplying,
- supplying of breeding equipment (milking machines, aquaculture systems, ext.),
- the transformation of agricultural and breeding products (dairy products, conservation in the refrigerator, ext.)
allows to respect the environment and reach a high products quality in those rural areas which would be otherwise abandoned.

The continue research in the renewable energies sector has allowed ENERECO srl to develop particular systems for the agriculture, breeding and aquaculture in rural areas and in developing countries. ENERECO srl designs and installs “turn-key” systems all over the world thanks also to the cooperation with manufacturers of agricultural and breeding equipment. The installations are carried on by ENERECO’s expert personnel or by local people properly trained.

FISH-PVH systems developed by ENERECO srl are dimensioned from time to time according to the customer’s demands and to the installation site. They can be photovoltaic, wind or hybrid. In the “turn-key” installations, all the necessary devices can be also supplied: sensors for the water quality, water oxygen and stirring systems, control devices for the water flow, automation equipment for fish-breeding both in fresh and salt water, ext..

“ZOO-PVH” systems too are dimensioned from time to time according to the customer’s demands and in cooperation with the zootechnicians of the various projects. In this case too the “turn-key” installations can be complete with all the necessary devices: milking machines, automatic dispensers for livestock, automatic drinking troughs, systems for dairy products in mountain huts ext.; everything is of course developed taking into consideration the supply through photovoltaic and hybrid systems.

ENERECO srl uses “SWP” photovoltaic water pumping systems for supplying water for irrigation, livestock watering, sheds cleaning ext...

Solar Thermal
Biomass and Biogas
Energy Solution:
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